
Good to the Last Drop

This past weekend, the family came in town to help us with our 4th bottling!  We had a whole sherry casks worth to hand bottle.  My father-in-law, Gene, was a machine pushing in 875 corks by hand (4 Advil, some ointment, plus a good night’s sleep and he was better come morning)…



Touring Japan-part 2

Touring Japan has always been a life-long dream of mine and to combine it with learning more about whiskey making was truly excellent. Japan has a beautiful appreciate for culture and tradition, something I greatly admire, which carries over to everything they do



Touring Japanese Distilleries – Part I

At the beginning of this year, Amanda & I committed to taking a few trips to continue learning about whiskey. Our goal has always been to make the best tasting, traditional single malt stateside. In recent years the Japanese single malts have been winning top spots in many of the international awards. For this reason, Amanda arranged to visit many of the Japanese distilleries with an interpreter to see if we could learn anything new.